I have got to admit that...
I have got to admit that when I picked up the phone to call susan I felt that I was wasting my time. But nick was very worried about me and pushed me to call her, so I did.
But when I sat in the chare against her it was so embarrassing that I felt sorry that I called at all or at least canceled the meeting.
"so when are you getting married?" susan asked, breaking the silence.
"in three months. In fact that’s why I called - I'm having some fears, some doubts.
"you are not sure that you want to marry your fiancé"?
'Not exactly…I love my fiancĂ© but I'm just not so sure I can marry him. I mean…its not him, I'm just not sure that I can marry" I felt that the more I explained my self the more I became less clear. "I feel like its impossible to get married and stay happy together – it seems like everybody is getting divorced. I just don’t want to find myself thirty or forty years old and alone." Susan looked like she knew exactly what I was talking about and I was going to learn why…
"many people come to me with this question asking me for an advice. I, myself know exactly what you are talking about – I got divorced five years ago..."
I couldn’t believe it – I was asking for love advice from a woman that got divorced!
…"but from that divorce I have learned more than i learned in my twenty years of marriage."
"so what do you say? Do you have a way to help me and nick staying married forever?" ( I admit – I was a little cynical but I just couldn’t help it. It all sounded so ridiculous!)
"Of course not"! smiled susan. What i'm about to tell you has the power to change your love life completely, but I can't guaranty anything – it depends on you." I probably looked skeptical because she added:
"you see, the way I see it – love has a certain rules. You can change your love by following them, and you can choose not to believe me and ignore them."
"What do you mean by saying that love has certain rules? What if I don’t believe that?"
"Why not? The nature has rules, is it so impossible that the human nature has it's own rules?"
i never thought about that!
"I guess you could be right", I admitted, "but how do I know that for sure?'
"you don’t have to take my word for it", she said immediately. "here is what you are going to do: every week we will talk about another rule. Every week you will come home to nick and test the love rules. You won't have to believe me – you will see for yourself."

At this point she stopped talking and waited for my answer. I withdraw into myself had with myself the following debate:
Me: "come on…everybody know that love doesn’t have rules… just tell her that you are very busy and go home."
Myself: "you maybe right. Its possible that she doesn’t know what she is talking about, but what if she does? Are you willing to through away a potentially grate love advice?"
'o.k", I said slowly, "lets do that. lets hear the secret that can change my life forever."
"good!" she smiled. "but it's getting late. Let's talk about it our next appointment."
A week after that I understood why she couldn’t telling me about the first love rule right away – she prepared a very special method to illustrate her point. I was about to get really surprised!
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