The most difficult week in my life (part 1)
"Fine", I said finally. I'll do it, but you need to promise me that in the end I will get a huge candy or something like that."
"you got it!" susan smiled and raped up our conversation:
"don’t forget you can call me when things get difficult."

The house was empty when I got in, nick was at work and I was able to think about the whole thing. You can't imagine how I felt. I felt horrible because I knew that I agreed to something who might be beyond me, but I also felt vary hopeful because susan offered me hope, a way to keep my marriage forever and I really wanted that – but was I willing to pay the prize?

I wanted to talk about it with nick as soon as he got home but the minute he came in I saw that something happened.
"What's wrong?"
"do you remember the promotion I thought I was going to get?"
"don’t tell me that someone else got it!"
Nick nodded and looked so miserable and I just had to give him a hug in spite if the promise I made earlier. I hugged him and didn’t go until he promised me that he was going to be o.k. than I made us coffee and we sat on the sofa to rest together a little bit.
Usually I start talking the minute we meet – it always at the end of the day and I have so much to tell him, but that day I didn’t know where to start so I just sat down, staring at my coffee.
"it's my turn now…what's wrong?"
"I was at Susan's today. She explained everything to me and it actually sounded pretty logical, but…"
Nick wanted to hear every detail about the meeting so I told him everything. When I was done I looked at him and saw a wired expression on his face.
"don’t worry, it's not to late to tell her we are not doing this", I reached for the phone but nick stopped me.
"no, I want to try this."
"but…you looked…I thought that…"
"i looked wired just because this is all so new to me. But it sounds right, don’t you think?"
"I think that it would be very difficult for you not to touch me two weeks."(as you read it try to imagine a tall brunet woman using her lowest voice and using her sexiest gesture)
Nick smiled in light of my efforts but he was determined.
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